“Life sciences refer to the scientific study of the living world as a whole. It's a new synthesis of several traditional disciplines, including biology, zoology and botany with newer, more specialized areas of study, such as biosciences, biochemistry, biotechnology, bio-informatics, genetics, pharmaceutical studies, food science and technology and environmental science.

The Life Sciences, more than most industries, thrive on positive momentum and hope for the future. Life Sciences represent a huge and growing market. With stakes this high, there is plenty of competition.

From well-established jurisdictions like Massachusetts and Northern and Southern California, to rapidly emerging bio-clusters in the developing world, many other jurisdictions worldwide are now investing aggressively in Life Sciences, developing and recruiting the world’s best talent, attracting venture capital and promoting their brand internationally. The race is on. There is no time to waste to bring viable product candidates through rational development to the marketplace for benefit of the public.

Commercialization Potential

We examine and assist with unpacking the commercialization potential of the concept, product or technology. describe the commercialization potential of the science/technology; provide data and publications, if available, that may assist reviewers in assessing the likelihood of commercialization success of the science and / or technology; technical challenges that may be encountered in commercialization of the science and / or technology, and any intellectual property owned by the company.  Areas in which we can assist include

  • Plan for Commercialization
  • Timeline and activities
  • Who are your customers
  • Current?
  • Potential?
  • The size of your target market and key trends

Other considerations

  • Evidence of customer demand
  • Reimbursement strategy
  • Planning to sell and market your product, service or technology
  • Current and future barriers to entry
  • How your product will be manufactured and where
  • Evidence that customers will adopt/switch to your product, service or technology
  • The payers for your product, service or technology
  • Why would payers cover (reimburse for) your product?
  • Existing or potential partnerships
  • Competition
  • What are key substitutes and/or alternative products
  • Competitive advantages
  • IP/patent protection strategy
  • Aspects of your product that may be protected by current IP or patent law
  • Clinical/Regulatory Pathway
  • The critical steps in the process of receiving the approvals needed
  • Projected milestones
  • Management Team considerations
  • Roles and individuals
  • Financials including revenues, expenses and pretax profits
  • Anticipated path to profitability or exit strategy
  • Capitalization, cash burn and additional sources of funding